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Time Once Again to Call Your Congressman

September 18, 2018
Kevin Prince

Now that we've been subjected to the Patent Trials and Appeals Board (PTAB) for about five years, combined with a couple of Supreme Court decisions in 2006 and 2017, the need for legislation to protect inventors' rights is obvious (if I may use that term).  If you haven't watched the story of Josh Malone and his invention"Bunch-o-Balloons," you need to watch it to see why we need this legislation.  If you're an Amazon Prime member you can watch it for free... the movie is called "Invalidated" (2018) and stars Josh Malone.

Us little guys with valid patents are being abused by big companies that seemingly can invalidate our patents just by asking the PTO to do a re-exam.  This impacts the value of patents for everyone, but especially us independent inventors.  Please contact your congressman and senators and let them know that you'd like them to support H.R. 6557, the Inventor Protection Act.  To find your representatives, click here.

There are also some alternate bills coming next year, so please keep an eye out and stay informed!  See Gene Quinn's website IP Watchdog , and Randy Landreneau's website US inventor, for more details.  Also, here's a story about another inventor who's patents were invalidated at the PTAB (A Plea From the Zip-It Inventor).

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