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Patent Application Filing Service

$249 Flat Fee

(Does not include PTO Filing Fees)

"Patent Pending" in less than 24 hours

QuickPatents Patent Pending

QuickPatents will electronically file a patent application that you supply to us, providing you 1-day service to get "Patent Pending" with your invention for a $249 fee to QuickPatents (PTO fees are additional, see below).

Note that with this service, QuickPatents is simply acting as your paralegal to file your application at the PTO.  This is not a professionally-written provisional patent application, and completing this process in no way forms an attorney/client relationship. A registered patent practitioner will not be evaluating your writing or its suitability for any particular purpose, other than some rudimentary formatting and technical checks. Please understand that we can take no responsibility for any adverse effects of you writing your own patent application.

QuickPatents Patent Pending

We also offer extensive full-service professionally drafted filings for Design, Provisional and Utility Patents, if you need more support!

The above having been said, it is important to file your patent application(s) sooner rather than later as the United States is now on a first-inventor-to-file system. So our general advise is to go ahead and file your own provisional utility application as soon as possible, but don't rely on it. Show the end result to your patent professional who can then evaluate if it is adequate for what a provisional patent application is supposed to do, and then suggest next steps if there is some deficiency.

We also do not recommend filing your own design patent unless your design patent drawings are professionally created and reviewed by a former design patent examiner (see "Pre-file Review of Drawings and Spec" service at our sister organization, Design Patent Rescue).

Also, we do not recommend that you file your own non-provisional utility patent application since writing claims can be difficult for the novice, and the scope of your protection with such a patent depends on how well the claims are written. Nevertheless, if you need someone to file your patent application for you, we will be happy to assist.

Items Needed From You


Provisional Utility Patent

  • Provisional Patent Cover Sheet (Download Here)
  • Completed Micro-Entity Certification Form (if you're claiming micro-entity status at the PTO to get their lowest fees) (Download Here)
  • PPA specification (and claims if any)-- prepare this yourself and make sure it's in PDF format and that "fonts are embedded." Make sure the Abstract has no more than 150 words.
  • PPA drawings -- prepare this yourself and make sure any fonts used are "embedded." Make sure the number of drawings in the drawing file match the number of drawings listed in the specification (under the Descriptions of the Drawings heading).


Non-Provisional Utility Patent Application:

  • Completed Micro-Entity Certification Form (Download Here)
    • (If you're claiming micro-entity status at the PTO to get their lowest fees)
  • Completed Applicant Data Sheet (ADS) (Download Here)
  • Completed Oath/Declaration form signed by all co-inventors (Download Here)
  • PPA specification (and claims if any)
    • Prepare this yourself and make sure it's in PDF format and that "fonts are embedded."
    • Make sure the Abstract has no more than 150 words.
  • PPA drawings
    • Prepare this yourself and make sure any fonts used are "embedded."
    • Make sure the number of drawings in the drawing file match the number of drawings listed in the specification (under the Descriptions of the Drawings heading).

Design Patent Application:

  • Items needed in this case are the same as the Non-Provisional Utility Patent Application above.


Processing Fee To QuickPatents

We offer this fast electronic service filing for a flat fee of $249 (plus PTO filing fees below)


QuickPatents Application Filing Request

Download QuickPatents Application Filing Only
Application Filing Request Form


PTO Filing Fees

 Micro-entity   Small entity   Large Entity
Provisional Utility application$65$130$325
Non-Provisional (Regular) utility patent application    $400$800$2,000
Design Patent application$260$520$1,300

Note: If you are paying by credit card, the PTO filing fees will be increased by 3% to cover processing costs, and your application will not be filed until the funds clear our bank.

Payment Methods

  • Credit card
  • PayPal (Send funds to
  • Zelle (Send funds to
  • Check sent to:
       QuickPatents, LLC
       6671 S. Las Vegas Blvd. Suite 210
       Las Vegas, NV 89119
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