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Choose the Right Design Patent Service

Extensive Experience

  • Serving Innovative Clients 2005
  • Over 2,200 Design Patents Issued
  • Over 95% Approval Rate
  • Understands (Confusing) PTO Responses
  • Knows the Common Fatal Application Flaws
  • Often Asked by Attorneys to Consult on Difficult Design Patent Cases

High Performance Team:

  • Patent Practitioners
  • Former Patent Examiners
  • Patent Researchers
  • Skilled Draftsmen

Customer Focused

  • First-Class Customer Support
  • Fast Completion Times
  • Willing to Educate Clients

PTO Registered

  • Registered with Patent Trade Office
  • Passed the Patent Bar Exam
  • Held to Ethical Standards by PTO


  • Fixed Pricing
  • More Affordable than Most Attorneys
  • Willing to Match Any Competing Registered Practitioner's Flat Fee!

Book Your Free Consultation Now!

Kevin Prince QuickPatents

There's no doubt that you have LOTS of questions! I want you fully understand the decisions you are making to best protect your invention.

Let's take some time to discuss your invention and how QuickPatents can help you achieve your goals.

We're Willing to Match Any Competing Registered Practitioner's Flat Fee!

Free Design Patent ConsultationBook Your FREE Consultation Now! »

"What makes Kevin so exceptional is his broad base of knowledge and the fact that you can really trust him to give the best advice and to keep your ideas private."

Bob Rudy
GlobalMax Sales and Marketing

Understanding Design Patents

  • Ornamental Protection: Design patents protect the ornamental appearance of an invention, not how the invention functions.
  • Cost: Design Patents are less expensive than Utility Patents
  • Patent Pending Status: Allow you to legally claim "patent pending" while the application is pending at the US Patent & Trademark Office (PTO)
  • Strength vs Utility: However, Design Patents aren't considered as strong as Utility Patents (assuming you can get a utility patent, which is much more difficult)
  • Extra Protection: Many clients do both Utility and Design Patent applications since the design patent is so inexpensive, so likely to get approved, and will likely be granted more quickly.
  • Your First Arrow: In fact, the Design Patent may be the first arrow you can shoot at a competitor, since utility patents often take 2 to 3 years just to get to the examination.

"Definitely 5 stars all the way. Consider yourself lucky to have found Kevin and his services."

QuickPatents Design Patent Customer
Chris Cranke
C&C Creative LLC

Design Patents


Inexpensive (compared to Utility Patents)
Allows you to legally indicate "patent pending" after filed
Good for protecting items with ornamental or aesthetic appeal (i.e.., clothing, consumer electronics enclosures, sunglasses, etc.)
Filing fees are less expensive than utility patent
More likely to be granted than utility patents (~95% vs ~50%)
Unlikely to be initially rejected by the PTO (95% allowance rate)
Tyipcally granted in about one year instead of two-to-three years


Protects "ornamental appearance" only, not "how it works" or utility aspects
Only 15 year duration instead of 17-20 years with utility patent
Does not protect "how" the invention works
Drawings more expensive ($125/sheet vs. $100) because they're more detailed
Only covers one design, not multiple designs of the same product.
Awarded Patents

How Many Clients 
Trust QuickPatents?

QuickPatents has filed over 2,200 patents on behalf of our clients!  This astounding number is easily confirmed by clicking on the button below to be taken to a third party patent search website.  The link includes the search for "QuickPatents" so all the documents are patents that QuickPatents has filed on behalf of our customers.
View Client Patents

Protect Yourself From Scams

There are a number of companies and individuals out there that wish to turn your enthusiasm for your invention idea into money in their pockets, regardless of how good your idea actually is. They'll almost always tell you your idea is great, has incredible potential, and basically make you think you've won the lottery. That may be true, but don't let your enthusiasm cloud your better judgment.

These entities are famous for suing anyone who tells people about them, so we're not going to name names on this site. Suffice it to say, you should read the US PTO's "Scam Prevention" page and the information about "Invention Promotion Firms" at the FTC's website. Also, be sure to see online ratings from other consumers on websites such as Yelp, etc.

You should also join a local non-profit inventors group, such as Inventors Forum. Such groups exist to help educate inventors on how to profit from their inventions, and typically host a seminar series that's open to the public, and private meetings where inventions are evaluated in confidence. To find a group in your area, go to the United Inventors Association website or search on "inventor" or "inventing" at

Design Patent Application - Only $995

(PTO Fees not included)
Design Patents Forms to Completion

What's Included?

All Design Patents Filed By QuickPatents Include

Cover Sheet and Title Of Invention
All Patent Trade Office Forms 
Brief Description of the Drawings (see drawings typically required with design patents)
One Claim (design patents can only have one claim)
Up to Three Drawing Sheets (additional sheets are $125/sheet)

Just $995

(US Patent Price. Does not include government fees)
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Quick Patents - Registered Patent Agency


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Book Your Free Consultation Now!

Kevin Prince QuickPatents

There's no doubt that you have LOTS of questions! I want you fully understand the decisions you are making to best protect your invention.

Let's take some time to discuss your invention and how QuickPatents can help you achieve your goals.

We're Willing to Match Any Competing Registered Practitioner's Flat Fee!

Free Design Patent ConsultationBook Your FREE Consultation Now! »
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